Revitalization Process for Conventionally Used Farmland

We aim to transform farmland previously subjected to conventional agricultural methods into a sustainable, healthy, and productive ecosystem.

Five-Year Revitalization Plan

We aim to fully revitalize the farmland within five years. During this period, the farmland will be left to natural processes.

Soil Assessment by Experts

The first step involves an expert or agronomist visiting the field to take soil samples. These samples provide deep insight into the soil’s current state, including the presence of nutrients, microorganisms, and potential toxins or chemicals.

Annual Monitoring of the Farmland

We take new soil samples every year to ensure the farmland is on the path to recovery. This monitoring allows us to track the return of various organisms, plants, and minerals to the soil, which is crucial for its fertility and health.

Allocation for Organic Farming

After five years of revitalization, the farmland is ready for a new phase. It will be allocated to farmers who will engage in organic food production, with the condition that each hectare includes a portion of green belt and a proportional number of trees.

Through this carefully designed process, we not only transform farmland that was exposed to harmful practices but also create long-term sustainable land that will nourish future generations while preserving the natural balance of our environment.